Creativity at the flick of a switch? – Make it work with the right methods!
Best Practices
Posted 06 Aug 2015
The to-do-stack on your desk is getting higher and higher and now you even have to deliver extraordinary creative solutions? Thinking about all these tasks causes only one reaction in some colleagues: a mental block. Who does not know the problem? You are hoping for a brilliant idea but all you put together is a blank piece of paper. Especially the PR and advertising sectors demand unique concepts. As the information overflow by smart phone, tablet, pc, magazines and TV grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to start campaigns the target group bears in mind. Generally, creative and innovative solutions are claimed more frequently in daily business, even in branches you would not expect it like administration. The same is true for technical issues that need at least conceptual creativity to find the most efficient approach. A similar situation applies to savings or optimization processes.
However, it is difficult to deliver creative brilliant performances at the flick of a switch, particularly because daily business rather sets limits than provides freedom. Meetings, urgent mails, calls or other duties often demand an immediate response and, thus, interrupt the creative flow. Nevertheless, creativity is no rocket science and you do not need to be a creative genius either. Everyone can enhance their own creative power with the right approach.
From an organizational point of view, you should avoid having no time pressure at all as well as extreme deadlines. This rather leads to put work off until tomorrow again and again. Creating a timeline with to-dos and measurable goals prevents such problems. In addition, it provides organized and efficient working in very short time frames. Furthermore, it helps to know data, connections and other materials of the issue. Thus, a simple material collection you might remember from school can be very useful. Firstly, keeping an eye on all information impedes forgetting something important and, secondly, it can create new perspectives and, therefore, potentially new ideas. Regarding this, to consider and to characterize the task from as many different perspectives as possible, is also advantageous.
Change and communication help enhancing creativeness on a personal level. For example, many people have brilliant ideas during workouts, when taking a shower or before falling asleep, thus, in moments of relaxation. Having a mental block, it is wiser to clear one’s mind. Even if you only go to the coffee machine or go for a short walk. The point is to stand back and get the chance to approach the topic from another point of view. Exchanging ideas with colleagues and friends can help, too. By explaining the subject to others you can recognize a context you were unaware of before. Additionally, the questions and opinions of your dialog partners can also raise new aspects. On the personal side, it is decisive to have no fear of “bad” ideas and not to thwart oneself. You should start generating solutions, even if they aren’t exactly the bee’s knees because starting with brainstorming inspires the creative process and, in the end, provides you with the one brilliant idea you need.